Preventing Islamic risk on ‘Belt and Road’

When promoting OBOR, China should fully consider risk returns, and try to maximize returns while minimizing risk.

Suu Kyi visit confirms potential for Myanmar-China cooperation

At the invitation of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, Myanmar State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi paid a historic visit to China from Wednesday to Sunday last week.
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/24 23:03:39

E-mail scandal reveals hypocrisy of US elite

Hillary Clinton’s e-mail story has been updated.
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/24 22:58:39

G20 summit in China offers potential new launchpad for global economy

For a world economy mired in a prolonged downturn, the G20 summit next month could be the light at the end of the tunnel.
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/24 22:53:40

Death of sick teacher highlights medical rights

The dismissal and death of Liu Lingli, a cancer-stricken teacher in Bowen College, Lanzhou Jiaotong University in West China’s Gansu Province, has prompted an outcry in China.
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/24 22:53:39

S.Korea-US provocation heightens DPRK's insecurity, sabotages regional stability

Under the pressure of South Korea-US military drill and the widely disputed THAAD deployment, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) reportedly fired a ballistic missile early Wednesday, sending a strong signal that Washington and its allies are risking turning the region into a powder keg.
Source: Xinhua | 2016/8/24 11:16:20

Seoul makes a fuss about ADIZ entry

The hype of the Chinese warplanes seems to show South Korea’s paranoia about China’s countermeasures.
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/23 23:38:39

France rightly regulates religious outfits in public

Traumatized by a string of terrorist attacks, including the attacks on the Bastille Day crowds in Nice, France is putting more effort to alleviate the security challenges it is grappling with.
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/23 23:38:39

Strategic meddling

The US is estranging China, Japan and South Korea
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/23 23:23:39

Economic imbalance leads to Mongolia crisis

Choijilsuren Battogtokh, finance minister of Mongolia, said in a national television address earlier this month that his country is now “in a deep state of economic crisis.”
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/23 23:08:40

South Korea-US military drills risk circle of mutual retaliation in Northeast Asia

The large-scale joint military drills conducted by South Korea and the US will jeopardize peace and stability in Northeast Asia, especially after regional tensions have escalated by the planned deployment of a US missile defense system in South Korea.
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/23 22:58:40

May’s China policy should be clear, consistent

The current summer finds the UK in the most awkward phase of its modern history.
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/23 22:58:39

Ankara alliance with Washington will remain despite heated post-coup rhetoric

The coup attempt in Turkey on July 15 has resulted in hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries.
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/23 22:43:39

China a booster, not a burden, for world economy as country shifts to consumption

China and its role in avoiding the “new mediocre” that threatens the global economy are again in the spotlight as the country prepares to hold the 11th G20 summit in Hangzhou.
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/23 22:38:39