Preventing Islamic risk on ‘Belt and Road’

When promoting OBOR, China should fully consider risk returns, and try to maximize returns while minimizing risk.

Writers need scope to criticize global society

Chinese science fiction author Hao Jingfang, who is now in her early 30s, has won a 2016 Hugo Award for Best Novelette, the highest honor in science fiction and fantasy writing.
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/23 22:38:39

G20 summit in China a new launchpad for global economy

For a world economy mired in a prolonged downturn, the G20 summit next month could be the light at the end of the tunnel.
Source: Xinhua | 2016/8/23 13:48:28

Russia, China should cooperate within G20 to tackle challenges -- Russian expert

With common positions on many international issues, Russia and China should work together within the G20framework to secure a new international financial and economic order -- a priority among issues of common concern, a Russian expert has said.
Source: Xinhua | 2016/8/23 10:55:01

Outspoken Duterte confuses US, allies

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte surprised the Western world recently by threatening to “separate from the UN,” and saying he would invite China and African countries to form a new international body.
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/23 0:23:40

Can the City of Light rekindle its fading allure?

"If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.”
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/23 0:23:39

Provoking Pyongyang

Pyongyang is provoked by US and South Korea
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/23 0:18:40

India’s stake in Myanmar remains strong

Myanmar State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi concluded her visit to China on Sunday.
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/23 0:13:39

Duturte should be cautious of game playing between major powers

The new Philippine government has attracted a great deal of attention from the international community recently.
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/22 23:53:39

Are Sino-UK relations sweet or sour?

The consequences of the British electorate’s vote to leave the EU are still emerging.
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/22 23:48:39

National spirit remains strong on volleyball court for three decades

The Chinese women’s volleyball team has won!
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/22 23:43:39

Indian sports policy lacks direction and vision

India was saved blushes when India’s Sakshi Mallik, in freestyle wrestling, and P.V. Sindhu in badminton, put India on the medals table.
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/22 23:43:39

Chinese patients fear dishonesty even more than malpractice

It is a nightmare to get up at 6 am, rush to the hospital by 7 am, wait in the queue for hours and finally manage to see the doctor at 11 am for a five-minute chat.
Source: Global Times | 2016/8/22 23:28:39

Trump getting back on track but needs to step it up further to clinch White House

After falling on his face in recent weeks, US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is trying to get back on track, but experts said he will have to beef up his game even more if he wants to win the White House.
Source: Xinhua | 2016/8/22 8:04:50