Preventing Islamic risk on ‘Belt and Road’

When promoting OBOR, China should fully consider risk returns, and try to maximize returns while minimizing risk.

Tough talk from US military only undermines peace in Asia-Pacific

The US needs to understand that such an approach will eventually jeopardize regional stability and hurt the interests of all countries involved. This approach might eventually lose support if the US goes on trying to muddy the waters of the South China Sea.
Source: Xinhua | 2016/5/31 23:48:01

US’ frequent military moves only escalate South China Sea tensions

Uncle Sam’s play of political brinkmanship in the South China Sea should come to an end for the sake of peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as the hard-won mutual trust with China.
Source: Xinhua | 2016/5/31 0:03:01

Kabul seeks Asia links, not competition

We have never and will never look at the two strategic relationships that Afghanistan has with the two important neighbors in the context of any competition.
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/31 0:08:01

Hollywood racism must be challenged

Hollywood molds public opinion regarding minorities, while it also showcases larger cultural issues of bias and racism. The continuing process of whitewashing reflects unfortunate racial stereotypes in the US and also helps encourage and perpetuate those same stereotypes in society. Only by confronting and ending movie whitewashing can this destructive process be stopped.
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/31 0:08:01

Pricey property erodes Shenzhen’s edge

What’s happening in Shenzhen is the epitome of the results of rising economic development costs in China.
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/31 0:36:47

Protect environment while promoting Xisha tourism

While we strive to safeguard China’s sovereignty in the South China Sea, we must also strive to protect the environment for everybody.
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/31 0:36:47

No frank discussion

Obama and Abe just briefly mentioned Okinawa rape in their recent talks.
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/31 0:33:01

Arms ban lift puts Vietnam in tight squeeze

It is not easy for Vietnam to juggle both Moscow and Washington, especially since other nations, including China, Japan and ASEAN, are all involved in the South China Sea issue, making it likely for Vietnam to become a victim of this game between major powers.
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/31 0:13:01

Preference for sons is fading away in China

Peoples’ stereotypes about girls are weakening as time goes on.
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/31 0:03:01

Diplomatic warning signals show growing Israeli-German tension

As Israel finds itself more isolated internationally and the peace process with the Palestinians is at a dead end, support may dwindle.
Source: Xinhua | 2016/5/30 23:53:01

Wanda faces uphill theme park struggle

No one will question Wanda’s ability to invest substantially into the already competitive amusement park industry, but sometimes mere money and publicity can’t solve all problems. Meticulous attention should be given to the transformation of people’s minds. Wanda needs to do more.
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/29 23:58:01

Carter eroding foundation of peace in Asia-Pacific

Carter’s words have been the most threatening China has heard since the end of the Cold War.
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/30 1:13:01

Detergent advert issue caused by lack of racial awareness

When some Westerners magnify racism in China just because of a laundry detergent advert, why don’t they also think of their detestable reputation of racist discrimination?
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/30 1:08:01