WORLD >>China-Europe

China, Russia FMs slam US sanctions in phone conversation

The more turbulent the world becomes, the more stable China-Russia relations should be, said Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi in a phone conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Tuesday, during which the two ministers also slammed the suppression by the US against the two countries.
Source: Global Times | 2020/12/23 12:11:57

China has no judgment on Sweden's coronavirus policy: ambassador

China never interferes in other countries' internal affairs and respects the anti-epidemic policy the Swedish government has chosen, said China's Ambassador to Sweden Gui Congyou when asked about his view of Sweden's "failed" coronavirus policy in an interview with Swedish media Expressen.
Source: Global Times | 2020/12/21 14:48:32

France follows own road in cooperating with China

Indeed, the current French foreign policy will also take into account the different interest demands of Germany and Central and Eastern European countries. But the old French politicians' thinking will still play a positive role in how China is perceived within France.
Source: Global Times | 2020/12/10 19:16:50

Brit pundit a mad-hatter with calls for gunboat diplomacy

Prevailing ignorant opinions about China reflect that the West dares not directly deal with the crux of its own problems. The decline of the West's influence is arguably factual. Blaming others won't bail them out from their own odious blunders.
Source: Global Times | 2020/12/6 21:37:52

EU should remain independent from US-China rivalry

The EU recently signaled its increasing desire to bond with the US as President-elect Joe Biden prepares to enter the White House. In order to gain strategic autonomy and raise its voice in the international community, Brussels hopes to get Washington on board by hyping the so-called "China challenge," despite the structural contradictions between the two sides.
Source: Global Times | 2020/12/2 22:06:16

Why Germany can confidently balance US and China relations

Despite different European stances, Germany's leadership in the EU has made it possible to raise much of its own agenda to the bloc level. Berlin can even shape the common agenda of the EU as a responsible leader. Thus, Germany's relations with the US and China will be of great significance and have a big impact on the world as it manages a deft diplomatic balancing act.
Source: Global Times | 2020/12/1 20:13:40

Self interests, not US ties, will determine how EU treats China

Europe will not treat China in an on-off way as it did during most of the time during the Cold War. Some ideological struggles could be strengthened, but there is not likely to be comprehensive hostility.
Source: Global Times | 2020/11/30 19:52:55

China-EU cooperation benefits both, needs mutual efforts

While certain politicians from the EU are grumbling about potential influence from the freshly signed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), multinationals have shown a clear path they picked to pursue a rosy future by betting on the Chinese market.
Source: Global Times | 2020/11/19 22:21:50

Closer EU-India ties may accelerate geopolitical realignment

The prospect of EU-India economic cooperation still remains uncertain because of profound bilateral divergences in culture, economy, and politics. The EU-India's democratic values and political system do not guarantee a steady development of substantial cooperation because there are varied motives and strategic concerns on both sides.
Source: Global Times | 2020/10/31 16:29:25

Renewal of bishop agreement reflects healthy China-Vatican terms

The renewal of a provisional bishop agreement between China and the Vatican not only reflects strong and healthy momentum between the two countries in bishop appointment, but also carries special importance of the Holy See's goodwill to move forward relations with China, despite that the Vatican faces mounting pressure to abolish the deal, observers said.
Source: Global Times | 2020/10/20 20:53:40

Vucic vows to maintain China-Serbia friendship despite Washington pressure

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke highly of the Serbia-China friendship when he attended a reception the Chinese Embassy in Serbia held on September 30 to mark the 71st anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC).
Source: Global Times | 2020/10/2 21:26:14

UK guidance threatens Western freedom and democracy

China has long been criticized as violating “freedom of speech” by Western countries. China follows socialist path with Chinese characteristics but it has never banned private sectors. Just the opposite, socialism with Chinese characteristics includes a socialist market economy, which fully absorbs the rational factors of capitalism to serve socialism. The Chinese mainland also hopes that Hong Kong will maintain its social culture based on the capitalist system. Now, who is violating “freedom of speech?”
Source: Global Times | 2020/9/29 21:33:40

China, EU should dismiss cacophony about BIT talks

During a virtual summit on Monday, the Chinese and EU leaders stated their commitment to speed up the negotiations on the China-EU Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) to achieve the goal of concluding the negotiations within this year.
Source: Global Times | 2020/9/16 12:51:42

Vital China-EU cooperation enters new age

Amid a global economic recession with drastic changes to the international system, it will be necessary for China and the EU to support and cooperate with each other in solidarity. In the meantime, the economic and trade foundations of the two sides calls for further (and very deep) cooperation.
Source: Global Times | 2020/9/15 17:22:42

China-Russia relations gift to peace and humanity

China-Russia relations are not solely favored by China's unilateral will. There are many voices in Russia. But Moscow has chosen to firmly protect China-Russia relations for the sake of its own fundamental interests. China-Russia relations are a gift of this era to peace and humanity.
Source: Global Times | 2020/9/15 17:07:45

Closer China, EU partnership sets pace for stability, prosperity

As respected partners, China and the European Union (EU) share a common responsibility to resolutely support free trade, multilateral cooperation and Euro-Asian continental economic integration - bedrocks for the prosperity and peace of billions of people across this enormous landmass. The China-Germany-EU leaders' summit scheduled on Monday will become a pace-setting moment.
Source: Global Times | 2020/9/13 15:14:40

China and Europe need each other more than ever in erratic era

All in all, China and Europe need each other. There is still plenty of room for both sides to push forward bilateral cooperation for their respective benefits. They also stand shoulder to shoulder for the prosperity and stability of the world.
Source: Global Times | 2020/9/10 15:46:17

Influencing Indo-Pacific region difficult for Europe

As European businesses and politicians talk of the necessity to diminish Europe's “value chain dependency” on China, and discussions have been conducted in the European Union and its member states, it is likely that Germany may hope to see some of its investments and businesses moved from China to India, or some Southeast Asian country. Changes are emerging on the horizon, and China-Europe relations may never be the same.
Source: Global Times | 2020/9/3 23:13:41