WORLD >>China-Europe

More China-EU deals will bring prosperity but require time, trust and hard work

This week has seen China and the EU come together at a landmark summit that featured discussion at the highest level about how the flow of goods, services and capital between the two economic superpowers can benefit both sides. This is a sensitive subject. The backdrop of testy China-US trade talks and European governments' increased scrutiny of Chinese interest in strategically sensitive sectors are certainly dark clouds, but between them there is sunlight and hope for common ground.
Source: Global Times | 2019/4/11 20:28:13

Germany next?

After Italy's endorsement of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) on March 23, people are speculating which country would become the second G7 member to join the initiative.
Source: Global Times | 2019/4/10 22:23:40

China, EU welcome progress in 5G cooperation

China and the European Union (EU) welcomed progress in cooperation on 5G technology between respective business communities, according to a joint statement issued on Tuesday.
Source: Xinhua | 2019/4/9 22:19:49

China, EU may split on joint statement as market access, industrial policy remain points of difference

China and the EU may not agree on a joint statement after the summit in Brussels next week as the EU perceives China is no longer merely a partner, and the continent does not want an agreement with China to get in the way of its positions for the key agenda of the upcoming G20 Summit, industry insiders said.
Source: Global Times | 2019/4/7 21:58:40

China's rise has helped European integration

After Italy signed up to the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China-EU relations are once again under the global spotlight. Meanwhile, China's rise is believed to be worrying Europe. Which way will EU-China relations go? What do Europe and European enterprises expect from China? How will China's rise affect European integration? Before the upcoming EU-China summit scheduled for April 9, Daniel Gros (Gros), director at the Brussels-based Centre for European Policy Studies, shared his views on these issues with Global Times (GT) reporter Xu Hailin.
Source: Global Times | 2019/4/6 12:04:23

China and Russia should address lack of equilibrium in ties: experts

The opening ceremony of the CASS-FEFU Center of Russian Studies (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Far Eastern Federal University) was held in Beijing on Monday. How can China and Russia - two close strategic partners - deepen their cooperation? What can they do to bridge their differences? The Global Times chose opinions of four experts present at an academic conference organized by CASS after the ceremony.
Source: Global Times | 2019/4/4 11:19:43

New synergies emerge between China, EU

During the EU-China summit, leaders from both sides are expected to talk about coordinating their paces. The EU attaches great importance to China's deepening reform and opening-up and expects the implementation of relevant policies. European enterprises are very sensitive to measures initiated by China; they hope the country opens its market wider and lowers the threshold for foreign investment. The latest law on foreign investment approved during the two sessions addressed those hopes. What China should do and is doing is making the “cake of cooperation” bigger to allow Europe to benefit more from the Asian country's reform and opening-up.
Source: Global Times | 2019/4/3 15:58:40

EU grants new quotas to Chinese duck meat in boost to productivity of poultry farms

The EU granted China individual country export quotas for duck meat on Monday, allowing China to export 6,600 tons of duck meat to the bloc. The new quotas can be expected to boost the international competitiveness of China's poultry industry while improving the industry standards, according to industry expert.
Source: Global Times | 2019/4/1 21:08:40

Wine brands from China make their official debut in France

After almost a year of preparation, Chinese-born Jia Jingru, now living in Paris, has finally imported 10 Chinese wine brands to France, a country known for its vineyards and fine taste in wine.
Source: Global Times | 2019/4/1 18:33:39

Why Luxembourg's endorsement of BRI is big deal

While many have focused on Italy's endorsement of the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), less attention has been paid to Luxembourg, which signed an agreement with China last week to cooperate on the initiative.
Source: Global Times | 2019/3/31 19:43:39

China to fly French experiments on Chang'e-6 lunar probe

China and France are going to the moon together and beyond, as space authorities from the two sides signed a new agreement in a bid to step up their cooperation in the fields of space exploration on Monday.
Source: Global Times | 2019/3/26 22:28:40

Italy hails BRI MOU, expects tangible results

Italian scholars, government organizations and business community applauded a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to jointly advance the construction of the Belt and Road signed during Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to the country.
Source: Global Times | 2019/3/24 18:28:39

Italian PM may attend 2nd Belt and Road forum in Beijing

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said Friday he is willing to attend the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) in late April in Beijing.
Source: Xinhua | 2019/3/10 9:36:27

China hopes Europe's China policy "independent, consistent, foreward-leaning": FM

China believes Europe will keep its fundamental long-term interests in mind and pursue a China policy that is independent, consistent and forward-leaning, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Friday.
Source: Xinhua | 2019/3/8 14:51:41

China, EU setting good example in tackling climate change

China and the EU, important partners in combating global climate change, face similar opportunities and challenges in decarburization and have much to learn from each other in designing their long-term strategies.
Source: Global Times | 2019/2/14 17:45:37

China's EU mission calls 'spying' report groundless

The Chinese Mission to the European Union on Sunday said “relevant parties should treat China and China-EU relations in an objective and fair fashion, and not make irresponsible remarks,” after the German daily Die Welt reported Saturday that the EU foreign service has warned there are hundreds of Russian and Chinese secret agents operating in Brussels.
Source: Global Times | 2019/2/10 19:43:39

Chinese New Year celebrated across Europe

With red lantern raised, Chinese couplets pasted and lion-dance performed, Chinese Lunar New Year is being celebrated across the continent.
Source: Xinhua | 2019/2/7 13:50:17

Chinese ambassador details deepening ties with Poland

China and Poland are going to celebrate the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations. Poland as one of the major powers among the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries has been playing a key role in China's cooperation with the region vis-à-vis the Belt and Road initiative. Global Times reporter Shan Jie (GT) recently interviewed Liu Guangyuan (Liu), the Chinese Ambassador to Poland.
Source: Global Times | 2018/12/25 16:53:39