Preventing Islamic risk on ‘Belt and Road’

When promoting OBOR, China should fully consider risk returns, and try to maximize returns while minimizing risk.

ASEAN shuns being powers’ battlefield

As Southeast Asia becomes more important in the diplomacy of China and the US, countries in the region don’t want to become the forefront in the competition of major powers. In this sense, China, the US and Southeast Asia should establish a benign interaction to promote their cooperation and shelve differences so as to make the region prosper.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/7 21:28:39

Corporal punishment can have dire consequences

Given the importance and complexity of child education, I suggest that our governments introduce a systematic and compulsory child education curriculum for parents. Professional teachers would provide detailed guidance for raising children during their early years, which will make for children’s healthy development and a harmonious home.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/7 21:23:40

Why Alitrip’s ‘Fliggy’ rebrand doesn’t really fly

It takes great efforts to build a harmonious society in which most of us can live peacefully with one another. But that harmony can be destroyed even with the mindless use of an improper phrase, as in the case of the recent Indonesian violence.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/7 21:23:39

Rinsing out profits

Samsung Recalls 2.8 Million Top-Load Washing Machines
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/7 0:43:39

Ethnic harmony crucial for Indonesia’s development

Radical Islam is casting its influences across the globe. With a large population, Indonesia faces the challenge of developing its economy, in which harmony among different ethnicities is a must. It is especially important for Indonesia as the largest Muslim country in the world.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/7 0:38:39

Hong Kong must cleanse opposition rhetoric chaos

On the issues concerning Hong Kong governance and national security, the central government is obliged to make full use of the power stipulated by the Basic Law. A few people of radical opposition are creating chaos among public opinion and affected the understanding of some Hong Kong people. The fallacies they created must be cleaned up.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/7 0:38:39

Li’s visit to boost Eurasian exchanges

In Eurasia where the geopolitical and economic climate is becoming increasingly complex, linking China’s “Belt and Road” with Eurasian countries’ development strategies coincides with the will of regional countries. It will also inject new impetus to China’s grand initiative.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/6 22:23:39

Abe govt wants big part in Myanmar change, but long-term plan still unclear

The Abe government will project more capabilities and resources into Myanmar in the future to have more say in the country’s democratic and economic transition. But it is still uncertain what role Japan wants Myanmar to play in its diplomacy. How Japan will manage its Myanmar policy and whether both sides can preserve long-term reciprocity remains to be seen.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/6 22:23:39

COP22 needs to deliver strong climate action

After the hard graft at Paris last year, it is concerning that the rise of populist politicians may derail what is a crucial agreement for the world. The COP22 meeting must not be sidetracked by climate change deniers, and must build on the rapid progress that has been made since Paris. It is after all, better to prevent than to clean up afterward.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/6 22:18:39

White identity politics, changing face of nation behind Trump’s rise

Governments and private agencies must work to attempt to rectify and moderate the very real economic challenges facing these communities, while also standing firm against racism or nativism when it becomes a factor in the community.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/6 22:18:39

Eastern Europe, China concord sets example

The EU is likely to become more protectionist after Brexit. When China is cooperating well with Central and Eastern European nations, it is hoped that countries in the western part of the continent can find some experience and inspiration from their eastern neighbors.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/6 22:18:39

HK opposition has no respect for Basic Law

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government told the media on Friday they have been informed by the central government that an interpretation to Hong Kong's Basic Law Article 104 has been included in the schedule of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/5 0:08:40

Today’s parents need to discipline children more

Why can't we ban spoiled brats from planes? My friend asked me that after she came back from her recent honeymoon.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/5 0:08:39