Preventing Islamic risk on ‘Belt and Road’

When promoting OBOR, China should fully consider risk returns, and try to maximize returns while minimizing risk.

What a Trump presidency means for US-China ties

Generally speaking, Beijing will become more assertive in its dealings with Washington.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/9 19:48:39

India overestimates its South China Sea leverage

India and China should put more efforts into resolving problems like the imbalance of their trade ties. India won’t benefit much by balancing China through Japan. It will only lead to more mistrust between New Delhi and Beijing.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/8 22:58:39

US perverse in opposing China’s cyber law

They attributed their failure to “unfair treatment.” But China’s rules are for all enterprises.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/8 22:33:40

Eyes on the prize

Get ready for the Single's Day online shopping festival
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/8 21:08:39

Li’s visit to Bishkek underlines govt commitment to fighting terror in region

Li’s visit employed both kindness and deterrent to Kyrgyzstan. On the one hand, he has carried several aid programs to Kyrgyzstan with his visit, including an investment of 300 million yuan ($44.2 million) to renovate a 94-kilometer-long highway. On the other hand, China has demanded the Kyrgyz government extradite four terrorists that are sheltering in Turkey. In response to the new changes in terrorism, including their broader spread, China and Kyrgyzstan will elevate their cooperation to a new level to cope with the increasingly complicated situation.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/8 20:08:39

India won’t be Japan’s geopolitical tool

In fact, being a democratic country doesn’t bring any particular benefit in international competition and cooperation. The ultimate purpose of exchanges between countries is to pursue economic benefits. As emerging countries, China and India have common economic interests in many aspects, and need to jointly face challenges posed by developed countries. How to boost cooperation between China and India is a key issue concerning the economic development of developing countries in the future.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/8 20:03:39

‘Hard’ Brexit will spur 2nd Scottish referendum

But May is not Cameron. Her government will not allow Scotland to separate from the Union in the first place. A repeat of the 2014 referendum in Scotland cannot happen twice in a generation, and May’s Conservative government will only snub any SNP’s political show of independence, even if they are dealing under the table.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/8 20:03:39

Election result won’t impact US-China ties

The US’ ability to project its geopolitical ambitions on the world has nearly come to an end. The rhetoric of Clinton and Trump during their campaigns may just fade away. The world should not take it seriously.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/8 20:03:39

New film industry law to rule out undignified participants

The authorities are expected to brief the public about the provisions of the law so it can be fully implemented after taking effect.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/7 23:13:40

NPC interpretation a blow to HK extremists

The NPC interpretation doesn’t set up any additional principles for Hong Kong.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/7 22:58:40

New Delhi chokes

New Delhi becomes the most polluted city
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/7 21:53:39

Australia-Indonesia joint patrol plan may end up coming to nothing

Indonesia is not a claimant to the South China Sea, and it does not have major disputes with China in territorial sovereignty or other related issues. But the fact that the exclusive economic zone of the Natuna Islands overlaps with a small portion of China’s nine-dash line might be the direct cause for Indonesia’s urge to get involved in the South China Sea disputes.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/7 21:33:39

Despite nixed takeover, Sino-Europe ties strong

Both China and Europe should explore ways to protect their cooperation from being affected by trade protectionism. More trade talks and economic exchanges may help alleviate Europe’s concerns about China, and in turn facilitate bilateral cooperation for mutual benefits.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/7 21:28:39