Preventing Islamic risk on ‘Belt and Road’

When promoting OBOR, China should fully consider risk returns, and try to maximize returns while minimizing risk.

Abe’s US dash

Abe's meet with Trump
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/17 23:38:40

China-LatAm ties product of globalization

China-Latin America relations do not target the US as many US pundits who believe in the Monroe Doctrine have depicted.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/17 23:38:39

Trump-Abe meet can’t paper over cracks in alliance

After the Trump-Abe meeting in New York, Japan may publicize the results and show off to the world how firm the US-Japan alliance is. But the divergence over Asia-Pacific policies between the US and Japan, or even the different opinions between Abe and Trump, will never be papered over. The bigotry in the diplomacy of the Abe administration is to blame for Japan’s strategic passivity. Otherwise, a Japanese prime minister would not have felt panic over the leadership change in the US.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/17 23:33:39

US threat underlying reason for North Korean nuclear weapons

We have promised to the international community that North Korea’s nuclear weapons are solely for self-defense, and are only used as deterrence against the US.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/17 19:53:39

Trump unlikely to cross China’s core interests

Every Asia-Pacific country is speculating on Trump’s new policies. The pendulum effect in US policies will see Obama’s rebalance to the Asia-Pacific being rebalanced.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/17 19:18:39

China, LatAm well-matched for cooperation

All in all, China is the largest developing nation and Latin America is the largest developing region. Similar development phases, identical development tasks, economic complementarities and resources potentials will drive bilateral cooperation.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/17 19:13:39

With Washington sidelined, Beijing will be key player at APEC 2016

Emerging Chinese leadership is much needed in these uncertain times. The good news is that China has recently been demonstrating that it is ready to assume a key role in negotiations over the future of the global economy. Get ready to see how this sense of responsibility for the direction of world development pans out in Lima.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/17 19:13:39

Trump’s rise enabled surge in overt racism

Just a few days ago, a friend of mine inquired on WeChat how to respond to the “go back to China” attack, which a friend of his had just encountered. Many responded with passionate and witty suggestions. My favorite one is: “Just shout back, ‘Go back to hell.’”
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/17 19:08:39

PACOM chief shouldn’t misguide Trump

Harris set the tone in advance that Trump should follow Hillary Clinton’s rebalancing strategy.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/17 0:33:39

Sin of forced demolition must be rooted out

Disputes over demolition are beyond complicated. However, once government and developers can do their jobs with more specific rules, guidelines, restrictions and understandings toward people, the grass roots will find relocation policies more reasonable and acceptable.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/17 0:03:39


Chinese consumers complain about iPhone shutdowns with Apple
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/16 23:48:40

Assault on underground economy may backfire on Indian prime minister

While it takes political courage to launch such a trailblazing and massive campaign; it actually takes far more wisdom to give it a happy ending. Given the fact that people have to pay an absurdly high price for the expected reform, if BJP fails to deliver its high-sounding rhetoric and promises, then Modi’s much-lauded “master stroke” or “big bang reform” will likely be reduced to “nasty partisan conspiracy” and even a “costly political joke.”
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/16 22:23:39

China can assuage neighbors in Trump era

China should offer certainty to the world by engaging in the process of principle-making. It should start with resolving disputes with its neighbors, and then improve cooperative frameworks and mechanisms. The world will then be more confident with China’s role.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/16 22:23:39