Preventing Islamic risk on ‘Belt and Road’

When promoting OBOR, China should fully consider risk returns, and try to maximize returns while minimizing risk.

China playing key role in building institutions of ‘global governance 3.0’

China is now constantly deepening its reforms and integrating into the international community. It firmly supports international trade liberalization and opposes trade protectionism. It backs opening-up, connectivity and tolerance while protesting seclusion, isolation and exclusion. It is promoting new global governance with real actions and will be a mainstay in the new era of globalization.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/16 22:08:39

Studying abroad changes lives: US envoy

As we celebrate International Education Week, I urge each of you to consider how international experiences shape us as individuals and can help us understand each other better. The world, in turn, stands to benefit.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/16 22:03:39

Trump climate change stance threat to all of us

It is already too late to stop some of the effects of climate change. Greenhouse gases can stay in the atmosphere for decades, even hundreds of years. We can only hope to limit the damage, and delaying action because of outdated ideology will set the world on an increasingly dangerous path. Climate change is a global problem that needs a coordinated global response, and one man’s election agenda should not be allowed to derail it.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/16 21:53:39

Scramble for top jobs

Who could be in Trump's Cabinet?
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/15 23:08:39

Rumor that Chinese stars backed Clinton bid unfounded

The latest gossip of Chinese celebrities being big donors to a US presidential candidate has shown how a rumor can easily run wild in cyber space, inflicting great damage on the credit of individuals and companies. More tough measures are needed to rein in online rumors. Alibaba has stated it will investigate the case thoroughly, and the government also needs to take action.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/15 23:03:39

South Korea must stop recklessly shooting at Chinese fishing boats

To fundamentally address the fishing disputes, China and South Korea need to accelerate their negotiations over maritime demarcation, which has to be carried out on the basis of a sound bilateral relationship. While the Chinese government has always cherished its ties with South Korea with an eye to a bigger picture, it is hoped that Seoul can think the same way.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/15 20:08:40

Trump’s embrace of Russia faces limits

As Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said, “The political system of the United States of America is very powerful” and it will “align the new president.”
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/15 20:08:40

Abe can’t save TPP without US endorsement

The TPP may eventually fail, or be modified back to life. But one thing is almost certain: The Asia-Pacific region will have new free trade agreements, in some of which the US will participate or play a major role. Another certain thing is that as China is one of the world’s largest trading countries, any moves toward isolating China in trade will be almost impossible and have little chance to last long.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/15 20:08:40

Trump reveals racism hidden beneath surface

It doesn’t matter who is targeting Chinese for abuse, whether they are criminals or racists. If there are any initiatives in your area that oppose white supremacy and the resulting racial abuse from the election, support them. This is a cause where it is in our interests to join with other minorities. Even if you support Trump as president, that isn’t a reason to ignore the racial abuse from white supremacists. That is going backfire on you, your family and all people of color.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/15 20:08:39

Nail-gun murderer execution a triumph for rule of law

The case shows that activists should be prudent when getting involved in such cases as what they know may not support their judgment. They may be trapped in their own sense of moral superiority over the judges. Judges and activists should both hold the law in awe.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/15 19:58:39

Security key to China-Pakistan Economic Corridor success

Meanwhile, dissatisfaction has been fueled in Balochistan as it was alleged that the CPEC will not benefit the province and the fruits will actually go to the Punjab, Pakistan’s most populous province which the Baloch insurgents accuse of “looting” their resources. Among the complicated geopolitical landscape, both domestic and regional, the CPEC is an easy target. Pakistan and China should work closely to address the security threat.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/14 23:18:39

In denial

Abe continues TPP push despite signs it's stillborn
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/14 21:48:39

Xi-Trump call sends positive signal

Trump is probably the very American leader who will make strides in reshaping major-power relations in a pragmatic manner.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/14 20:28:39