Preventing Islamic risk on ‘Belt and Road’

When promoting OBOR, China should fully consider risk returns, and try to maximize returns while minimizing risk.

Trump trade deal pullout would hurt US most

Hopefully Trump will recognize the importance of adhering to our current trade agreements and uses his trade threats mostly to motivate international dialogues that may ultimately lead to freer trade agreements that all sides may also judge to be fair.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/21 18:53:39

Compromise needed in Indo-Pak standoff

India, despite its absolute advantages in overall national strength, has paid heavy costs for the long-term confrontation with Pakistan as well. India is viewed as a South Asian country parallel to Pakistan, which drags it away from its grand ambitions to be a world power.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/21 18:48:39

Sino-LatAm ties’ geopolitical aim exaggerated

In the wake of Xi’s latest trip to Latin America, China will continue to increase its voice and influence in this region. It can be expected that this tour will see new agreements, closer relations and more frequent cultural exchanges between China and other Latin-American countries.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/21 18:48:39

Can China overtake US to lead the world?

For a long time to come, the leadership of the US will be irreplaceable, meanwhile, China’s further rise is inevitable.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/21 0:43:39

Fear of competition behind Singapore’s new port criticism

It takes time for the rest of the world to overcome the inertia of the profound China threat theory, and understand and agree on China’s advocacy. Seaports like Melaka Gateway, high-speed rail like the Jakarta-Bandung railway and many other projects China is engaged in will serve as vanguards to demonstrate its commitment to joint development.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/21 0:43:39

Trump’s trade tempest

World leaders at APEC summit take aim at Trump over trade
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/20 22:13:39

Can Trump’s friendly Russian stance overcome US establishment resistance?

What is difficult to imagine, however, is a Russia that joins in a US policy to contain China. Over the past quarter century, Russia and China have built a strong and solid relationship which is driven primarily by its own dynamic. In the next few years, Trump, Xi and Putin will be the foremost leaders who will shape major-power relations in the world.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/20 19:18:39

China wins chance to lead APEC trade deal

In any case, as Xi said two years ago, “The FTAAP does not go against existing free trade arrangements, which are the potential pathways to realize [its] goals.”
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/20 19:18:39

Abe’s dance with once-spurned Trump

Abe may have proposed helping Trump “Make America Great Again” by seeking opportunities for bilateral economic cooperation during their meeting. This will not only help shaping a closer relationship with Trump and improve Japan’s status in the eyes of Trump, but also help maintain a solid alliance between the two countries.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/20 19:18:39

Trump, free of elites, could reverse globalization

Totalitarian democracy is facing the ire of the “politics of rage.” Frustration and disillusionment have polemically handed the US to Trump. Is Trump a most adept wolf leading the greatest flock of “sheeple” yet, or secretly another Citibank, Goldman Sachs, or Council on Foreign Relations picked and groomed president?
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/20 19:13:39

Mommy dearest

Have you ever been traumatized by your mother yelling at you when you carelessly did something wrong?
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/19 0:08:40

Trump meets Abe, but fails Japan

This time, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is No.1 in the world. He met with US President-elect Donald Trump in New York on Thursday for 90 minutes, and became the first foreign leader to meet with Trump after the US election.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/19 0:08:39

Notes about reading on the Chinese underground

This week was just like every week. You wake up, rush to the subway, and elbow your way onto the train, with the slightest hope of grabbing a seat.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/19 0:08:39