Preventing Islamic risk on ‘Belt and Road’

When promoting OBOR, China should fully consider risk returns, and try to maximize returns while minimizing risk.

Why does Russian propaganda vex the EU?

Now European countries are keeping high alert toward Moscow’s so-called propaganda war.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/24 23:33:39

Policy paper illustrates enhanced China-LatAm ties

The updated China-Latin America ties show their recognition of China’s way of development and approval of reciprocal cooperation without political strings. It is hoped Washington can continue its input into the continent, which can benefit most from the positive competition between China and the US. The old way of threading a geopolitical mindset into global governance is obsolete, and the US should draw on wisdom from China.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/24 23:28:40

Only negotiations, not violence, can improve peace prospects in Myanmar

As a third party, China’s mediation is able to create favorable conditions for dialogue among parties concerned, but ultimately the only solution should still lie in peace talks and political consultations. This requires the NLD government, the military and ethnic armed groups to use more political wisdom and patience and find a solution satisfactory to all parties concerned.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/24 19:43:39

Intel pact can’t lift Park from political scandal

The GSOMIA might result in an outbreak of public’s anger against Park’s administration. Some opposition parties are claiming that Park is selling out her country by approving the deal. If she falls from power because of the incident, the next president will likely come from one of opposition parties. At that time, the intelligence sharing agreement will possibly be abolished.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/24 19:38:39

Warming Russia-US ties no loss for China

A Cold War mentality no longer fits the times. An easing Moscow-Washington relationship will benefit international cooperation and global governance, which is not a bad deal for China. China and Russia having a working partnership rather than a formal alliance has already set an example for other countries in dealing with their foreign relations. Hopefully big powers can evade the law of the jungle and make their due contribution to building a fair and reasonable international new order.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/24 19:33:39

Refrain from telling foreigners they don’t understand China

In the end, people are people. We work, we raise families, we socialize, we eat. How a society organizes itself can differ greatly, but the varieties of human association are not unfathomable. You think foreigners can’t understand China? We think you can’t understand foreigners, if you believe that is true.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/24 19:28:39

There is no way an expat will ever know this country

Usually, it’s not the differences but the way we treat each other that separate us. Arrogance is a taboo. Seeing a country through your own value prism should be avoided, because countries as well as cultures are equal, and there’re always something we don’t know about one another. As long as we treat each other with respect and stay humble in trying to learn about differences, we’ll be fine.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/24 19:28:39

BBC’s pick of ‘influential women’ disgusting

In fact, certain Western people and media outlets, including the BBC, have long attempted to “direct” China, but have never succeeded. They are depressed and frustrated, and such sentiments found vent in the BBC list. But this will only make China more confident about itself, and feel the BBC list is disgusting.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/22 22:18:39

China’s role needed for truce in Myanmar

It has seriously affected the security and development of China’s border areas.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/24 0:03:39

Seoul-Tokyo intel sharing adds to NE Asia complexity

Some analysts predict that regional collaboration, such as the free trade agreement among Northeast Asian members will be hampered. But at this moment, Beijing must promote relevant negotiations harder than ever. Doing so will provide China with an opportunity to dissolve present negative factors, regain its initiative from the current difficulties and safeguard its strategic interests.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/24 0:03:40

Doggone angry about animal activists

Editor’s Note: Recently several dog lovers tried to ram a truck carrying 320 dogs on an expressway in Langfang, North China’s Hebei Province, to rescue the dogs. Then they beat up the truck driver. But they ended up getting hurt themselves, and caused hours of congestion on the expressway. How can love for animals be expressed in a proper way? The Global Times has collected three pieces on this matter.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/23 22:18:39

Park’s defense woes

South Korea is bracing to increase its military expenditure in case Trump reduces the budget for the Korean Peninsula.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/24 0:03:39

Trump win means US New Silk Road project faces slow death

For now, it seems that the Trump presidency will struggle to formulate a Central Asia policy of its own any time soon. His principal concern will be to address domestic issues in keeping with what he said during the campaign and what his supporters expect of him. It means incidentally the New Silk Road strategy unveiled in 2011, is about to die a slow death as Central Asia adapts to new reality.
Source: Global Times | 2016/11/23 21:48:40