Preventing Islamic risk on ‘Belt and Road’

When promoting OBOR, China should fully consider risk returns, and try to maximize returns while minimizing risk.

Tsai’s mainland policies yet to be tested

If Taiwan representatives make unexpected performances at the World Health Assembly that convenes on Monday, if the DPP continues to push forward the revision of the referendum law including a change in sovereignty status, or if Taiwan stands with the US and the Philippines after the final award of the South China Sea arbitration is announced, these will gravely challenge the goodwill shown in Tsai’s speech.
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/22 23:13:01

Zimbabwe politician wrong to call for Chinese deportation

Perhaps the long-lasting solution to misunderstandings emanating from such politicians is to strengthen cultural and people-to-people exchanges, enhance cooperation in education, culture, health, tourism, youth, think-tanks and media so as to consolidate public support.
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/22 21:03:01

Tsai not clear enough on one-China principle

Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) head Tsai Ing-wen gave her inauguration speech as the island’s new leader on Friday. In the 40-minute speech, she mentioned “Taiwan” 41 times, “this country” 13 times and the “Republic of China” five times.
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/20 23:58:01

Dubious future

US presidential eection dims prospects for TPP
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/22 15:03:01

Be smart, take drugs

Can you really make yourself smarter with drugs? Currently, “smart pills” have gone viral on social media platforms. According to the adverts, the pills, costing about 10 yuan ($1.53) for each, can safely enhance people’s memory and comprehension capability
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/21 0:08:01

Alibaba’s copycat woes not limited to company alone

Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba’s membership in the International Anti-Counterfeit Coalition (IACC) was suspended recently, only one month after the company joined the organization.
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/21 0:08:01

Cross-Straits ties enter era of uncertainty under Tsai

The DPP resuming office and refusing to acknowledge the 1992 Consensus are becoming key factors that may reverse cross-Strait ties. If the mainland indulges it, the result could be that all our previous efforts will be lost.
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/20 0:42:44

UNCLOS misinterpretations lead to air incidents

History repeats itself if its lessons are not learned. And now it is time for the US to review its conduct so as not to make the same mistake in the same place. It is also time for the international community to choose between a hegemonic ocean legal order based on the US interpretation of international law and a world ocean legal order under UNCLOS.
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/20 0:42:44

New Delhi’s absence from Belt and Road project puzzles outside observers

Such participation and impact in international forums is a testimony to India’s soft power, in the interests of the people and the state (not government) by non-state actors. But by keeping out of an initiative like the B&R, New Delhi is losing out not only on the tangible benefits of connectivity, but also the intangible gains that may flow from expanding its spheres of influence.
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/20 0:42:43

Venezuela not yet pushed into corner

Although it is a fundamental principle to strive to minimize risks in business activities, the ethics and profiteering should still be well balanced in foreign economic cooperation. China can surrender some profits to help its partners out of economic difficulties as long as it doesn’t have a serious influence on China’s national interests. This benefits bilateral cooperation in the long run.
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/20 0:38:01

Terror strikes Yemen hard as peace process continues to be stymied

Observers say the factions are ignoring the fact that terrorist groups have been taking advantage of political disagreements and conflict for more than a year.
Source: Xinhua | 2016/5/19 23:48:01

Cliquey Chinese need to learn to mix overseas

Interpersonal interactions are a subtle game, especially in an international context. If China is really ready to embrace the whole world and become a big power, Chinese students overseas must adopt an open mind to communicate with foreigners, no matter where they come from.
Source: Global Times | 2016/5/19 23:48:01

US democracy seriously flawed as gridlocks and partisan battles destroy legislation

Obama said he would nominate a successor “in due time,” but Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell insisted the next administration should make the appointment.
Source: Xinhua | 2016/5/19 23:43:01