A journey into Xiaerxili Natural Reserve, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
By Globaltimes.cn, Published: 2018-08-03 14:37:09
Xiaerxili Natural Reserve is an hour and a half drive from Bole city, the government seat of Bortala Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture. Photo: Shan Jie/GT
Editor's Note:
Xiaerxili Natural Reserve, near the border between China and Kazakhstan, has wonderful natural secenery. Xiaerxili is located in the Bortala Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture in Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Xiaerxili used to be a disputed region on the China-Kazakhstan border, but in 1998 both countries agreed it belonged to China. Nowadays it is an unpopulated area and it’s forbidden to enter without permission. (Photos: Shan Jie/GT)
Roads turn rugged and steep as they climb mountains and hills. Photo: Shan Jie/GT
The last management station before entering Xiaerxili. Photo: Shan Jie/GT
This management station is the last stop where you can get snacks and water before you get into Xiaerxili. Photo: Shan Jie/GT
Xiaerxili blooms with colorful wildflowers that climb the green mountain. Green pine trees offer shade and contrast to the colorful, blooming flowers. Photo: Shan Jie/GT
Flowers paint the border between China and Kazakhstan purple. Photo: Shan Jie/GT
A sign board reminds people to protect the environment. Photo: Shan Jie/GT
A sign marks the border between China and Kazakhstan. Photo: Shan Jie/GT
Boundary markers are ready to be set up beside the border between China and Kazakhstan. Photo: Shan Jie/GT
Cows gaze curiously upon the people coming and going. Photo: Shan Jie/GT
A cow from Kazakhstan grazes on China’s side of the border. Photo: Shan Jie/GT
Cows from Kazakhstan graze upon the grass. Photo: Shan Jie/GT
The border between China and Kazakhstan. Photo: Shan Jie/GT
People are welcome to gaze across the border towards the beautiful scenery. Photo: Shan Jie/GT
Looking back, tourists can see the winding, rugged tour road. Photo: Shan Jie/GT
Some sheep, raised by frontier guard soldiers, enjoy grazing on the grass on the hillside. Photo: Shan Jie/GT